
Youth Public Theater Stipend & Guidance (upcoming)

(In-progress) There are many unused stages in New York City public parks. We are encouraging informal youth friendship groups to learn about social issues they are confronting today, and together, create and perform a short play on these unused stages.

Depending on the outcome of our fundraising efforts, we hope to be able to provide small stipends for informal neighborhood youth groups who want to organize and perform short plays in public parks. We are working on recruiting a TTM teaching artist for coaching and guidance. Inspired by the practice of the Theater of the Oppressed in Latin America and other socially-engaged theater methodologies, our goal is to provide guidance for how they can use performance as a way to focus on their communities’ demands and needs.

To qualify for a stipend, the work involved must meet the following requirements: the theme must shed light on a social issue, presence of mentorship, and support for and support for bodegas, corner stores, street vendors and mom-and-pop shops in the area.

We will be making an announcement when applications are available.