
Diversity Stipends for Relatable Art (upcoming)

Most graffiti artists spend out of pocket to do a legal graffiti mural so as not to miss the opportunity to do masterpieces on a publicly visible surface. Because, for many, this is a way to advertise their skill sets in the hopes of gaining commissioned work. Property owners give legal permission for their walls, but they often do not financial compensate the artists. The trade off is wall permission for free labor. We know that paint, food, and transportation costs are expensive. Those who work long shifts, two to three jobs, or 6-day work weeks risk losing opportunities without support.

Depending on the outcome of our fundraising efforts, we will soon be able to provide small stipends to artists planning to work on a legal graffiti mural. It may not be significant, but helps in some way.

The work involved must fulfill the following requisites: proof of permission from property owners, apprenticeship or mentorship for collective empowerment, and support for bodegas, corner stores, street vendors and mom-and-pop shops in the area.

We will be making an announcement on our social media accounts when the application becomes available.